Canossian Sisters

The Canossian Daughters of Charity established themselves at Arpora in the ‘ancestral house of the late Dr Acacio Viegas In the year 1972, The Canossian Sisters draw spiritual strength and Inspiration from their founder St Magdalene of Canossa. 

She was woman before her time, who sought to engage people of all walks of life, both men and women, in bringing to fruition her works of charity.

When she founded the Daughters of Charity, one of her tasks was to train young women to live as catechists and teachers for their local communities.

Over the years, the Canossian Sisters have been deeply

involved in catechetical work in the· Holy Trinity parish. They visit the sick and old villagers  and also distribute Holy Communion to them every month.

Among other activities they visit families, hold weekly Alcholics Anonymous meetings, which are attended even by some foreigners.

Canossian Sisters are spread in several villages of Goa,

and the Arpora center is currently headed by Mother Superior Anna Pereira and assisted by a group of colleagues drawn from different parts of the country.


We look back with gratitude as we commence 50 golden, blissful years of our venture into Goa. The first Canossian house in Goa had been started in Mapusa, in 1946. The Sisters had to face lots of difficulties as the basic needs hampered their stay, so they bid farewell.

Thepresent Canossian house was started in May 1972 as M. Felicita D’souza, our Canossian Sister‘s brother Fr. Benedict offered his house at Dias Vaddo, Nagao. It was made clear from the outset no school was to be started.We were to engage in socio-pastoral work besides working with the youth Subsequently, with due permission from the Patriarch of Goa the then M. Provincial, Mildred D’souza, inaugurated the house. With the three pioneers Sr. Jessie Mendonca, Sr. Annie Dsouza and Sr. Clementina Mascarenhas, a little community was formed, poor but rich in love and fervour – apostolate, and prayer, adjusting to all in the Spirit of Christian joy. The angelic voices of the Sisters lured the neighbours to the convent every night for cheerful recreations.Our sisters were full of life, filled with passion to make Jesus known and loved, the dream of our Foundress St. Magdalene of Canossa.

The sisters had to shift to three places before they found a house of their own. Finally on 8th April 1973, ‘Canossa Convent’ was opened in the place gifted by Acacio Viegas.Various activities were carried outhere such as teaching in St. Joseph’s High School, catechetics, tailoring and craft classes, visiting the sick, and home bound and coaching classes for the poor children.

Outstanding among the Sisters who worked here were late Sr. Bernice D’Silva of revered memory and Sr. Joanita D’Souza, and a host of others for their passion to bring Jesus to the people.

In 1986, late Sr. Gracy Sequeira started the “Alcoholics Anonymous” group with a group of 5 members. It kept growing and is still functioning well. The members desire to make a radical change in their lives.

After a few years of stay in the gifted house, the sisters built a new convent on the opposite side in the same compound. This new convent was completed and blessed by the Archbishop Patriarch of Goa on 2nd September 1994. Sr. Berta Cotta, the then Provincial wanted the old house to be used for the apostolate and efforts were made to conduct programmes for the youth there.

At the request of the Canossian Fathers the house was gifted to them for the formation of young recruits. They arrived there on 9th May 1999. In 2010 they started formal formation of candidates for the Canossian fathers They finally shifted to Kerela on 11th December 2019.

The sisters always had great dreams for their apostolate here and so when the Fathers vacated the house, they took the opportunity to fulfill their long-cherished dream.

It became a reality because of the sisters of the Community who supported and collaborated with one another and very specially with Sisters who were trained in social work and Law. Hence Sr. Gracy Rodrigues a vibrant Canossian initiated various projects that could better the health and social status of the people.

With much prayers, discernment and reflection the community sisters started the Social Centre on 1stJuly 2021 and named it as “Canossa Samajik Vikas Kendra” (CSVK). The sisters carried on the social work activities like remedial classes for the poor and migrants’ children, training for the women and young girls in various fields, such as tailoring and beautician, working with the migrants, ragpickers community, Self-Help Groups and reaching out to people in various ways during the covid -19 pandemic.’ Through the various empowerment projects in collaboration with the government departments the Bakhita Sub-Health Centre was established along with the PHC which renders its health services with much love and compassion. Awareness campaigns on human trafficking, drugs, alcohol and basic human rights issues are also dealt with.  All these activities and projects are being carried out also during this jubilee year

After 50 years, the sisters are still active in the parish school, Small Christian communities, parish council, youth animation, catechesis to children. They are Eucharistic ministers giving HolyCommunion to the old and sick in the wards. Family visitation and liturgical activities are carried out in such a way as to bring the comfort and the joy of the Lord to people.

The late Sr. Jasmine Coutinho has made history by working as a humble Teacher for years in the schools of Goa and later was secretary of the Archdiocesan Schools of Goa for 6 years. Her commitment to duty and gentleness to all was greatly admired.

Motivated by the charism of the “Greatest Love”, the Community tries to alleviate sorrow and suffering and meet the needs of those whose claims are the greatest and the most urgent. The great idealof Magdalene to save souls for the glory of God

continues to stimulate the sisters all over the world and the two great models – Jesus Crucified and Our Lady of sorrows – constitute the spirit of the Canossian Daughters of Charity.Spurred on to become joyful and prophetic witnesses, we the Canossian Daughters of Charity are committed to making Christ known and loved in every sphere of the society in which we serve.

With gratitude we praise our loving God for all the support He sent us in our mission at Arpora, through all our sisters, benefactors, well-wishers and collaborators at different levels. May they continue to experience the ‘Joy of Service ‘in all that they do.

We feel we are at our golden age of our mission when we see hundreds of poor, neglected and marginalized at our doorstep ready to drink in the joys and blessings of our heavenly Father.

By God’s Grace and through our authentic witnessing, we will draw young women to our way of life and further build the Kingdom of God.

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